This is the first time we have tried these bags. However, we have ordered from this company before. Their latest version of the "Bio Bag" was a completely different bag, it appeared to have some oil in it, so of course it was stronger. Since we live in Florida I ordered them for 18-24 months and stored them in a dark pantry. I called the company in Canada before ordering again as I was confused by the name change. and an improved pouch (within the last 18 months or so) is oil-free, 100% biodegradable and meets higher standards, it is also fully biodegradable within 10-45 days. Because it contains no oil, it will never be as strong as supermarket bags. Over the years we've tried every organic/eco bag we could find on the market and each one broke more than once on the way from the kitchen to the garage. Since her husband cleaned most of the time, it was hard to convince him that it was worth the effort. So finally the bag that works so far and has the highest ratings. We carry a trash can with a bag just in case. Off to the garage!
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