I have a car in Jet BLACK with sapphire metal and waxing is very difficult because it shows all the tiny wax particles that stay on the surface. I've tried all types of waxes - Zaino, Chemical Guys, Turtle Wax Paste, Liquid ICE, and Nu Finish. The biggest disappointment for me was the Zaino products. So much marketing nonsense, a list price only available in the Zaino store, complex combinations of weird hardeners, and lots of overlapping wax products that don't make sense. I've tried the Zaino A10 alone and with its wax catalyst and both stink because the product just won't come off the black car by hand. I followed her writing instructions. I HAD TO use a power buffer to really get a clean finish and that's way too much for me. For all the other products that were also difficult to remove, I bought Revain's Meguiar's NXT and Meguiar's Gold Class Carnuba Plus Premium at the same time as 8 packets of Chemical Guys applicators. I rubbed half the machine with NXT and the other half with gold. I followed the instructions and after washing and drying the car I waxed it in my 60 degree sun-protected garage. Both products are easy to apply, apply thinly and have a long-lasting effect. I gave them ten minutes to dry and used a new terry towel to remove and buff. I hate the feel of microfiber towels and in my experience they don't remove wax that well, especially with Zaino wax. Both Meguiar products are MUCH easier to polish and towel wipe than Zaino. They didn't need a power buffer. NXT seemed to pull away with less effort than gold. Under the fluorescent light on the hood (a real problem area for the Zaino), both Meguiar products looked the same - shiny. smooth and very shiny. I took all my other wax products and threw them in the trash including the overpriced Zaino which I've spent $200 on over the years. The Zaino all-in-one product alone is now $27 per bottle. Time will tell how they hold up in sun and rain and as the bonnet is semi-waxed for each product I have a mini wax lab on wheels with each product. The side of my hood is waxed with NXT and Gold Plus products. There's more to come as the elements decide which Meguiar product ultimately wins. But for now, for me, on a BLACK machine that doesn't grow well with other products, both Meguiar products outperform any products I've used before simply because they are easy to apply and towel off. Two photos are attached. The first is the hood of my black car with Gold Plus wax on the left and NXT on the right. After 5 minutes of buffing with a clean cotton cloth, the second photo shows the reflection of my hood on the ceiling of my garage. THIS IS A MIRROR SHINE!
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