Bought this shovel to get electrical wiring from the garage to the house after the piping was done. I ran 12-2 NMB through 3/4" PVC and used it to run PVC pipe into the house (not sure about the "code" but it seems obvious that the wire isn't exposed to the elements , if you run all ) the PVC through ) into the house ) It went through the siding just fine and the darn thick plywood that was on top of the outside basement joist works fine even at very low speed SAFETY NOTE: If you still have never used a shovel that big, be VERY careful, it can and will break your hand if it snags unexpectedly - which happens all the time.I would recommend using a battery powered drill if you have one.If you insist To use a full-strength screwdriver, I strongly recommend that you drill with your palm and thumb on the left side of the drill so that if the drill gets stuck, you drop it and save your hand. This is not the fault of the big borer, just the nature of big borer drilling in general. Overall, it goes through the wood quickly and feels very durable. Very outer walls, this won't go through, you should get a very long narrow pilot hole drill and then go in from each end as deep as you can.