This thing is awesome. I didn't even know such a thing existed before, but they seem to have taken care of everything (even though I didn't know I needed it). It's also a great size to hold my Weller Magnetic Helping Handset (which I also never knew existed so didn't realize I needed one. I didn't know Weller used to make such quality stuff). The two numbered compartments are just beautiful. . You'll probably want to keep a good ol' pen and paper nearby to jot down what's where. Stay calm. There are several hinged compartments for fixtures that you want to use frequently and across multiple projects. And four magnetic areas keep your stuff perfectly in place. Not to mention a very large number of compartments to keep you organized and comfortable; God knows, serious soldering takes patience and a clear head (achieved only with a clean workspace). a dust-free room, even if you're unfortunate enough to have a clean room (I have to share the electronics room with my workshop, so it's worth the conversion that happens when I roll it out on my workbench in keeping it clean when it is not used It is a beautiful thing.