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Review on 🧪 Alkaline Environment Dispenser Testing Range Intervals by Dustin Keller

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Good deal. On time delivery. a good product. Use this product to measure my body's PH (baking soda, blackstrap molasses log). In just one treatment, my PSA went from 4.0 to 2.9. Updated on 01/17/2017. The HYDRION pH test tape is a reliable way to test your body's pH and health. People may think they are healthy until one day they develop symptoms. and a comprehensive health check reveals a serious illness, and sometimes the damage is irreversible. If they test the acid and base balance for health, they could find the problem 2-3 years in advance by checking the pH of saliva and urine. For this reason I mainly use the HYDRION pH indicator tape and occasionally pH test strips as a second reference. The importance of acid-base balance for health. Virtually all degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney and gallstones and teeth. Putrefaction is associated with over-acidification of the body. While the body has a homeostatic mechanism that maintains a constant pH of 7.4 in the blood, this mechanism works by depositing and removing acidic and alkaline minerals elsewhere, including bones, soft tissues, bodily fluids, and saliva. Therefore, the pH of these other tissues can vary widely. Saliva and urine pH provide a window through which you can see the overall pH balance in your body. Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. All forms of arthritis are associated with acidosis. The acid in the body dissolves both teeth and bones. Regardless of the health situation you are facing, you can monitor your progress toward proper acid-base balance by checking the pH of your saliva and urine. How to do a salivary pH test Wait at least 2 hours after eating. Fill your mouth with saliva and then swallow it. Repeat to make sure the saliva is clean. Then apply some saliva to the pH paper for the third time. Wait a few seconds for the pH indicator to stop changing color. The pH indicator should turn blue. This indicates that your saliva is slightly alkaline at a healthy pH of 7.4. If it's not blue, compare the color to the chart that comes with the pH paper. If your saliva is acidic (pH below 7.0), wait two hours and repeat the test. Saliva pH and Cancer "Healthy people have a blood pH of 7.4, a CSF pH of 7.4, and a saliva pH of 7.4. Thus, the pH of the saliva corresponds to that of the extracellular fluid. The salivary pH test is the most consistent and accurate physical clue to calcium ion deficiency syndrome. The pH of a healthy person without a deficiency ranges from 7.5 (dark blue) to 7.1 (blue) in the slightly basic range. The range from 6.5 (blue-green), slightly acidic, to 4.5 (light yellow), highly acidic, represents mildly deficient to severely deficient conditions. Most children are dark blue, pH 7.5. More than half of adults are green-yellow in color with a pH of 6.5 or lower, which is due to calcium deficiency as a result of aging and lifestyle. Cancer patients are usually bright yellow in color, pH 4.5, "especially in the terminal stages". acid and alkali? Water (H2O) ionizes to form hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-). When these ions are present in equal proportions, the pH is 7. When there are more H+ ions than OH- ions, the water is said to be acidic. If there are more OH than H+ ions, the water is basic. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 and is logarithmic, meaning each step is ten times the previous one. In other words, a pH of 4.5 is 10 times more acidic than 5.5, 100 times more acidic than 6.5, and 1000 times more acidic than 7.5. The body doesn't understand pH, but at the cellular level, millivolts are very important. Acidity (pH) versus millivolts (mV) The term pH stands for potential hydrogen, so this pH value also corresponds to a voltage measurement. The entire range of the pH scale extends from the weakly acidic pH 0 = +400 mV to the strongly alkaline pH 14 = -400 mV. At our body temperature, pH = 7.4 means -25 mV. Our cells and all living beings are straight. current (permanent) systems formed by the movement of sodium and potassium ions in and out of cell membranes. Normal healthy cells have an electrical charge of about -70 mV across the cell membrane. This electrical gradient is critical to the process of ion transport across the cell membrane and normal cellular metabolism. Key features of cellular metabolism include the exchange of oxygen and nutrients for cellular waste and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) energy production. These metabolic processes are almost always absent in dysfunctional cells and improve when cell membrane charge returns to normal. According to Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg, we have cell voltages between minus 70 and minus 90 millivolts. At birth, a healthy cell has an electrical charge of -70 to -90 millivolts. With age, the electrical charge around the cell decreases; down to -35 mV at the age of about 70 years. The scientist explains it like this. A NORMAL cell has an electrical potential of -70 millivolts, an aged cell -50 mV to -35 mV, and a CANCER or diseased cell - 15 mV. degrade the gradient from the optimal -70 mV. As the gradient fluctuates, sodium is pumped out of the cell less efficiently, leading to edema (fluid retention) and inflammation. If the gradient is not reached, the transport of oxygen through the cell membrane into the cell is disrupted. Without oxygen, the cell cannot produce ATP energy; The mechanism for pumping sodium-potassium ions cannot work, and the gradient continues to decrease. This is followed by a downward cycle of disrupted cell physiology that can eventually lead to cell degeneration. What can you do if the pH of your saliva and urine stays below 7.0? First, get a comprehensive blood and urine test from Walkinlab for about $150. Second, consult your doctor. it kills enzymes and turns live food into dead food). A healthy body is a well-nourished body. The job of food is to provide us with the nutrients and energy we need to live. Only life begets life. All food must be alive, for when food is devoid of vitality it breeds disease, and when dead it breeds death. Processed foods are inanimate foods. Stay away from sugar and anything that contains sugar. Stop eating refined carbohydrates as they turn into sugar. The whiter the bread, the sooner you die. Do not drink soft drinks or drinks with sugar. DO NOT store alcohol in your home or workplace. Instead, choose HEALTHY alternatives for those moments when you want to drink an alcoholic beverage. Bottled water also contains preservatives. Most bottled water comes from public water sources and is then purified using a rigorous seven-step purification process called hydro. 7™. But they use preservatives to acidify the bottled water to a pH of 5.5 and add a disinfectant, 4 mg/L monochloramine (chloramine, NH2Cl). It also kills or severely damages the cultures we use for fermentation (yeast, lactic acid bacteria and kombucha cultures). Chloramine is stable and takes several days to degrade in the absence of chloramine-inducing substances (Wilczak et al., 2003b). g An open container of water is worthwhile as it can take several days for the chloramine to dissolve. However, chloramine is removed very easily and almost immediately when you make a cup of tea or coffee, cook it (e.g. make soup with chicken broth). Adding fruit to a pitcher of water (eg, a sliced orange or lemon to a 1-gallon pitcher of water) will neutralize the chloramine within 30 minutes. If desired, chloramine and ammonia can be completely removed from the water by boiling; However, this requires 20 minutes of gentle cooking. Just briefly boiling water to make tea or coffee removes about 30% of the chloramine. If desired, both chlorine and chloramine can be removed for drinking water purposes using an activated carbon filtration device that can be installed on a kitchen faucet. If desired, both chlorine and chloramine can be removed for bathing by diluting vitamin C in bath water (a 1000 mg vitamin C tablet will neutralize chloramine in a regular bath. The skin is an organ that absorbs everything. Follow an alkaline diet with raw vegetables ). , and find the Mediterranean meal plan that suits you. This is just the beginning of the journey, but you still have at least 2-3 years ahead of you from using Health pH tape and strips.

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