- - Camera. Compared to 6s, the photo quality has improved a lot, in daylight they are perfect, photos in the dark cannot be compared with 6s - see photo with X below. - Screen. Vibrant, rich colors yet soft. The black color is so dark that even in complete darkness, a black background = absolutely black. The brightness is perceived differently, also softer (after LCD), it is automatically adjusted to the lighting and it is always enough. - FaceID: more convenient than TouchID (does not work with dirty or wet hands). Over time, adapts to the user. - Battery: after the purchase, you want to "play enough" enough, test and configure all the new functions. At the same time, even with such active use, the batteries always last for a full day from 7:00 to 23:00. With an average activity, the battery lasts until the evening of the next day, it takes 50% per day, about 5% per night. - Sound. Great, loud stereo speakers. - Interface. Gesture control. Requires getting used to, after which any action is performed quickly and conveniently.
- - The weight. For me, the main drawback. Very heavy for its size. After 6s it seems unrealistically heavy. - Price. I bought for 80k at the end of November, the PCT was not cheaper to find. After 3 months, the PCT model costs from 66k on Tmall. I could wait, but I wanted to please myself on the DR. - FaceID. If you're lying on your side, it probably won't work. It also does not work in landscape orientation, unlike TouchID. - Interface. More difficult to close applications compared to earlier models.