improved acoustics! Take your time listening to them; I'm sure many of their listeners will get bored and stop. The sound quality is noticeably better than the great bulk of what you can hear, perhaps with the exception of the most-most costly, many times more expensive than these, so maybe that will be enough to make some people overlook the other drawbacks.
Each of the three choices has its own set of advantages and drawbacks, but all three have the following in common: + wireless + quick charging (meaning 15 minutes of charging = 45 minutes of music) + relatively tiny case capable of supplying twice as much as 5 hours of music + design.
+ user-friendliness (standard buttons, easily felt, if a little snug) + oval-shaped, branded Bose tips that do not require insertion into the ear canal to listen to music =.
1. Earwax buildup is negligible, much less than with conventional earplugs.
secondly, the rubber rim does not cause fatigue in the ear canal.
Because some regular plugs don't fit perfectly and occasionally even when you open your lips they lose their tightness, the noise again goes through the space formed (this occurred to me with Sony plugs), there are no issues with the selection "for yourself."
Assessing sound quality is a thankless task because, among other things, it is highly subjective (after all, someone likes the Sennheiser CX400BT TWS, although this is just the BOTTOM, at least in terms of their price), and many factors play a HUGE role, such as the length of time between tested samples (more than a minute, and your listening went through the forest, and I also exaggerated about the time, it is advisable to switch to another sound in a