Works well. I think the grip is better. Well, it works more simply, more precisely, so to speak. This works great, the one that already has a handle is easier to work with. Did the job!
Not used yet but went under the bike to check if it would fit. It was a little awkward to sit down just because the bike was on the ground when I tried. There is very little slack when the tabs are secured in the damper body.
Much easier to use than straight Harley tools. You don't have to jack up the bike to adjust the Softail shocks. I'm not saying it's not too tight (Gigiti) but it's easier than jacking up the bike.
Working. The actual process is quite painful, but that's not the fault of the tools. In fact, sometimes you have to switch the side that the socket fits in to get the right angle, and that's easier. Fair price and reliable processing.
It worked but I would recommend getting a full size wrench. What you gain by not dealing with the grip is lost because the lever just isn't there and it's almost impossible to get it to work. It does its job, but not particularly well.