- carries out its duties honorably
- The partnership between the producer and the CIS customer
- Simple to work with. Convenient application. Not extremely noisy.
- Thus, the problem with the voice acting in the firmware has not been fixed.
- Design, cleaning quality, creating and storing an apartment layout, ease of use, and operation
- After three days of use, I decided to try to start it remotely while sitting at work because I wasn't happy with how he cleaned the living room and wanted to send it again to clean this area. However, after I received a signal, it said that there was a malfunction of the laser sensor, and I didn't even go for a walk to check it out.
- Features, costs, lidar, and "virtual" areas
- There are still some kinks with the software, and activating it can lead to confusion about where you actually are. Not compatible with 5GHz Wi-Fi.
- This robot vacuum cleaner is top-notch; in addition to vacuuming, it can also wipe the floor.
- Not
- Everything that the maker claims to be working flawlessly is. The sweeping and floor cleaning go without a hitch. 8 months without work-related claims. BUT BEFORE YOU PURCHASE, READ BELOW and make your own judgment.
- The manufacturer's cunningness is the biggest flaw for which I would not purchase the product right away. I gave it two stars, I say. There were ates after I purchased, launched, and used the application. It works, the eye does not get enough, so far, but after 4 months an ate comes in which I am asked to accept the conditions. Even so, it turned interesting. I read the terms and conditions, where it is honestly stated that we must pay homage and that the manufacturer has the right to disclose my registration information to other parties (why is this not written on the box when I just start getting acquainted with the product for the first time). I didn't concur, the device rebooted, and all operations — aside from starting and stopping — ceased to be available. Moreover, the features are exclusively set on the phone; no remote control is included. And as it turned out, I paid that much for a vacuum cleaner that could have been purchased for $4,000. Everything stopped working. After two weeks, I agreed to the terms because I couldn't return the vacuum cleaner and it was functional. There is no intention to file a lawsuit, and the vendors have not received any complaints; they are also unaware of this. But I think that the manufacturer, without providing complete information, is engaged in fraud and earns on our registration data.
- Equipment
- Referred to in the discussion
- Price, operational capabilities, and practicality
- The card frequently gets lost, skips a large amount of rubbish, and when it is not started from the application it does not get entirely removed; it can even hang on a nut that is only 3 millimeters in diameter.
- If aesthetic appeal and the quality of the materials used can be considered virtues, then they should be.
- It is impossible to identify everything that is wrong with it due to the fact that it has so many problems that are directly linked with the cleaning function. If you try to mix them, however, this vacuum cleaner will not be able to clean without your constant monitoring. If you examine attentively, you'll see that in the end, it will be easier, quicker, and cleaner to run with a regular vacuum cleaner. 1) If he got stuck somewhere, for example, he ran into the leg of an ordinary dryer, got tangled in a chair, stumbled upon a threshold, etc., then you need to wait until he gets enough wind up there and reports that he is stuck, which can sometimes take up to five minutes. In other words, if he got stuck somewhere, you need to wait until he gets enough wind up there and reports that he is stuck. If you assist him in any way, he will start to feel drawn to this location like a magnet, which will bring about all of the associated negative effects. 2) During the cleaning process, you cannot simply add a red zone to a troublesome area to prevent it from climbing in areas where it is not required to do so. After the room has been cleaned. It is in your best interest to hold off until he has completed what he is working on, and I will not explain why. 3) Even if red zones can be added, there is not the slightest bit of logic behind how they are processed. It is possible to approach several zones in quite a different manner each time. For instance, although he can get within 20 centimeters of her at the moment, the next time he calls into her, this renders the process hard to fine-tune. 4) There are times when red zones are ignored in general. As the zones overlap one another, there will be complications with the processing of the information. 5) If you place two red zones next to each other, you can create a Bermuda triangle in the room. When the vacuum cleaner runs into the Bermuda triangle, it will begin to spin rapidly until either the charge on it is depleted or it is removed from the area. It might sound silly, but it actually happens fairly frequently that you have to move anything in order to alter the combination of red zones and free yourself from the trap. 6) If you rearrange objects or furniture, even in a minor way, the vacuum cleaner could lose the map with all of the red zones that you have painstakingly set up over the course of several weeks, and then you would have to begin the process all over again.
- 1. Not too quiet. A video of my daughter reading her homework aloud in the room where the Ozmo 900 functions may be seen at the top of the review page. You can converse in the space as it works, including on the phone, or listen to music on the laptop. Before that, there was a Roomba 980, which required shouting to operate and completely muffled laptop audio. 2. Easy to use (apart from the need to reset the card before each cleaning) - The garbage collector is taken out and shaken out fundamentally; - The roller, brushes, and wheel have not been cleaned of hair for three months. - Shake out the garbage can before cleaning, add water to the tank, rinse the rag, and start. Many of them were wound on the roller, but they were only wound in two thick rings, not completely around the roller. Cleaning isn't hindered by it. 3. Is able to mop the floor and vacuum at the same time. Many other vacuum cleaners only have one function, which requires frequent switching from the bin to the water tank and back. 4. A digital water supply. The water in the tank cannot be drained after cleaning since it does not flow out while it is left standing. 5. Getting around (but only if there are no windows, mirrors, or glass doors to the floor). Each chamber is only visited once before being left alone. If you have to leave the table to allow him clean up, do so, but once he's done, you can safely go back to your seat. Unlike Roomba 980, which hurried around the apartment haphazardly. Instead of running over obstacles at full speed like a Roomba, it does it cleanly. 6. Cleans a 50 m2 area in 40 to 50 minutes. The cleaning time of the Roomba 980 ranged from 60 to 120 minutes, sometimes longer. 2 hours 37 minutes are recorded in the program memory. 7. The wet cleaning mode of the vacuum works flawlessly on the shoe mat by the front door. After cleaning, the carpet is very clean and never gets damp. For the passing of the rug, you do not need to do a separate dry cleaning. 8. We connected the application to Alice and set it up without incident. They questioned how to communicate with Alice.
- After two to three cleanings, navigation fails. reflects the card off the balcony and around the glass door before rolling it around the room until the battery dies. You must take it to the base, reset the card, and resume the cleaning in order to get it back to working order. If we were to use virtual borders, they would have to be set after each reset of the map. In 4 years of use, Roomba 980 has never lost its base. Deebot's successor, the Dreame F9, likewise features excellent navigation.
- The functionality (navigation, app), as well as the quality of the cleaning
- Excellent vacuum cleaner
- Not
- Cleans up his own mess by vacuuming. Moisten a rag and wipe the floor. Trash can maintenance is a breeze. A digital water main. Managed by mobile phone. Draws and recalls a floor plan of the space. Predicts 2022.
- In the map, the location of the base is incorrect. Before you can wet clean a carpet, you'll need to flip it over. I have never seen him scrub the floor; he just uses a moist rag. Take out the wires from the ceiling or the floor. If it manages to snag the cables, it will be able to pull everything away. As a result, whether there is dog kaki or children's toys on the floor, you should stay put.