- 1. A five-year guarantee. TotalCommander benchmarks show a reading speed of 150 Mb/s for very large files. TotalCommander's measurements indicate a speed of 28 Mb/s while recording huge files. While the "Samsung Bar Plus 64Gb" reads from the drive at a far quicker rate of 200 MB/s (12 GB/60 s), it only writes data at a speed of 35 MB/s under identical conditions and with the same files. Third, endearing (but subjective). 4. Cost that is manageable.
- One, the plastic around the eyes is too thin and there isn't enough of it, so the casing is essentially a liquid. You must not use keys as jewelry. Second, it gets VERY hot, like a real fire, but you won't feel the heat until you remove the connector and touch the metal inside.