Description of π RBL90 Skyjacker Stainless Steel Brake Line - 4-6 inches
Package Dimensions :15.24 Cm L X15.748 Cm W X3.81 Cm H. Product Type :Auto Part. Country Of Origin :United States. Package Weight :0.65Lbs. DOT Certified/European T.U.V. Approved. Stainless Steel Braided. Heavy Duty Off-road Brass Fitting. Outer Extruded Polyurethane Coating. Street Legal In 50 States.
Too short for use with a 4" pad. That's normal on a 3" block. Even with 3" blocks, the only reason it's not short when the vehicle is on a lift is because the shocks limit travel. someone who uses stainless steel lines manufactures, installs something else.
Package dimensions: 15.24 cm L x 15.748 cm W x 3.81 cm H
Make sure you have plenty of adapters as they don't fit my brake lines. The block is very soft and tore on one side when I pressed it. It's much thinner than a standard block of steel. I don't trust it.
Package dimensions: 15.24cm L x 15.748cm W x 3.81cm H
Purchased for a 1989 F250 to replace the rear rubber hose. On a test ride I found that this hose was leaking at both ends (from the hose to the fitting). Apparently they got it wrong at the factory. Garbage.
Too short to use with a 4 inch block. The 3 inch block is fine. Even with 3" blocks, the only reason it isn't short when the vehicle is on a lift is because the shocks limit travel. someone who makes stainless steel tubing is installing something else.