Description of Sterling Seal ORBN006X1000 Number 006 Durometer
For use across a wide temperature range from -30 degrees F to 250 degrees F, Good/Excellent resistance to many petroleum oils/greases, hydraulic fluids, alcohol, mineral oil and grease. Oil resistant applications of all types. Low temperature military uses. Off-road equipment. Automotive, marine, aircraft fuel systems. Compatible with Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (propane, butane, petroleum oil, mineral oils and greases, diesel fuel and fuel oil). Not Compatible with product fuels with a high aromatic content; aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene); Chlorinated hydrocarbons (Trichloroethylene). Buna N or Nitrile has good mechanical properties when compared with other elastomers and high wear resistance. Good/Excellent resistance to many petroleum oils/greases, hydraulic fluids, alcohol, mineral oil and grease; 70 Durometer.