Swordfish is the world's most powerful person search engine.
Swordfish aggregates data from the world's top person identity verification providers such as Hoovers, Dun & Bradstreet, Experian and hundreds of other independent sources & live feeds to bring you up to date, valid, direct contact information for the people you are looking for.
Swordfish is used by the world's top recruiters, sales and investigative professional's at the world's top defence, tech and government agencies. From Fortune 500 Executive recruiters to solo-entrepreneurs, Swordfish is on your side to make your contact sourcing efficient, accurate & easy to use.
The best feature I like the most is that I can search for a person by typing their name in the search bar. I can also check the name and date of birth of all of my contacts. The search feature is pretty fast and it is easy to use because of the color coding. I hate that I can't search by location. Also, I had problems with the website freezing and crashing.
Make sure to have a fast internet connection. I use this website to look for my contacts and to search for my relatives. It is the fastest
I also like the color coding of my contacts
Also, I had problems with the website freezing and crashing
Searching for people has never been easy, but with swordfish it became amazing! I can create my own profiles using different settings and filter down the results in various ways to reach exactly what i want (i.e.: age range etc). There's so many options I still cannot figure out how everything fits together yet somehow they get me where i need to go every time! Great tool - highly recommended by me (no matter your needs!). Creating professional and successful presentations using Powerpoint or…
The ease of use, speed in finding people you need to get things done with! I don't have any dislikes about using sword fish as it has been incredibly useful for me so far when searching my contacts list from work or looking up clients that are not easily found elsewhere online (such as LinkedIn).
There really isn’t anything specific i dislike at this time however there could be some features added down the road which would make our lives easier if needed but nothing majorly disliked currently…
Great layout / easy interface
Fast search speeds without being overwhelmed by irrelevant information;
Ability quick access all your friends who is close enough within reachable distance.
It's easy to use and has a lot of tools to find people. It's also easy to search for people based on their phone number, email, etc. I have yet to find anything I dislike about this search engine. I like that it's easy to use and has a lot of tools to help you find people.
I also like that it's easy to find people based on their phone number, email, etc. I haven't been able to find anything I dislike. I highly recommend this search engine to anyone looking for a way to find people. I use it to…
The interface is very user friendly
There are plenty ways available at finding someone or narrowing down your searches.
A wide variety o ftools ava ilableto users
Easy access using cell phones (and other smart devices) which makes searching easier than ever before!Cons : Some times when trying certain options such as "phone" option insteadof emails there will be nothing found in results