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55 Review
5.25 Karma

Review on BitConnect Client by Christabel Kate

Revainrating 2 out of 5

My little experience on this wallet called bitconnect ckie g

This project is a big scam and its also not available at the moment because it was being named as one of the biggest scam wallet

In the history of crypto currency wallet there is not a scam like this wallet. Am making this statement because I too was scammed thank God it has been delisted so therefore my advise to users and investors is to keep away from this wallet

Despite this wallet was been deleted it still has some impact of risk in which alot of users can still be affected

Scammers out there kept on deceiving users so every one should open his eyes wide to avoid been scammed again

That's what make this wallet to fall drastically the also make a shocking comment that there was no sense in the wallet and since then the company's rating went totally down and customers we're lost after some weeks the platform became out of date and its been destroyed

Some users are still thinking about this projects despite all the warnings attached to it

The team of the company even vasnished and all the links to the social media account was immediately deleted

Updated 3 years ago
Rating has not been changed

This platform is a scam project and I will advice individuals not to involve theirselves in this project. Thanks to God that the webpage is not available anymore because it was brougth to everyone notice that its a scam site. The funniest part is that research said since the history of crypto world, there has not been a scam wallet like this one. Its so funny how they managed to scam alot of users without their notice.

The scammers are out there still deceiving users. So please I advice that no user should patronize this particular webpage for now

When I recently view the webpage, I saw so many bad comment and also the rating of the company dropped drastically

  • No positive comment
  • A scam wallet