Blockchain-my is a wallet provided by an enthusiastic company that certainly did not calculate the scope this product was going to have. Since the beginning, it has faced different problems and caused many issues to users. Firstly, it is a little functional because the wallet does not offer true features to save assets properly. Moreover, it has no security later that can represent a shield for the product including those tokens saved there. Although it has never been hacked, users do not stop thinking it might affect them someday. Secondly, the space for token admissions is reduced. Currently, the limit is shorter than before because the company suspended the services for a list of tokens.
I just want to mention those issues are part of the global experience of users. But now I share mine by saying this product is not available in my country. I study the public guides of the company and notice they have this wallet restricted for many countries and regions. It is strange because it works through borders, but it doesn't go beyond.
The access to the page is not functional, and the company has limited resources to make them grow. When looking through social media, the same error occurred. It is not possible to have a conversation with the team.
So, if users ask for advice I just can say this page isn't proper to what you are looking for. This is another wallet with just a name, but nothing to offer.