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Review on Jaxx Wallet by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Multi Wallet HD.

Jaxx is a multiplatform HD wallet with high privacy and security standards with a large community that supports the project being one of the most used storage wallets for multiple devices
-It is possible to have full control of the assets since it is available for multiple platforms, using the Chrome browser or the different mobile applications.
-This wallet does not handle the assets of the users, it is these who have access to their keys to access their wallets, there is no synchronized data.
-It has a user interface with a good HD finish, making the user visual experience completely interesting
-Within the same wallet it is possible to access news, data and market capitalization of cryptocurrencies as well as an access within the mobile App to explore transactions in their respective chains.
In terms of security, it has similar characteristics to those on the market, 12-word backup phrase, encryption password protocol with different improved AES-256 protocols
It is in one of the best asset storage wallets for P2p payments, offering one of the best user experiences when using this wallet you will want to discard the others since with this you can find what you need in addition to being very beautiful. It has a really active development community

  • It has integrated fast exchange.
  • Available for multiple platforms, Android, iOS, web application for chrome, and desktop.
  • The user manages his private keys
  • Our personal information is not requested.
  • It is open source and verifiable.
  • Free.
  • Anyone can use it without problems.
  • More than 80 cryptocurrencies available, that is, some assets are not available.
  • Having received criticism related to your security, it is possible to read some comments related to loss of funds. received Traducciones de received AdjetivoFrecuencia recibido received, taken admitido acknowledged, avowed, received Definiciones de receive Verbo 1 be given, presented with, or paid (something). I never kept a diary when I was growing up but I did receive them as Christmas presents and loved the idea of documenting my daily and dull doings. Sinónimos: be givenbe presented withbe awardedcollectgarnergetobtaingainacquirewinbe paidearngrossnet 2 suffer, experience, or be subject to (specified treatment). Those investigating the case say they won't rest until the person responsible receives a prison term. Sinónimos: experiencesustainundergomeet withsufferbear 3 greet or welcome (a visitor) formally. Not until 1600 did Elizabeth consent to receive him at court. Sinónimos: greetwelcomesay hello to Sinónimos de receive Adjetivo standard Verbo be givenbe sentbe toldexperiencegreetentertainhearwelcomepick uphavefindencountergettake in 41 sinónimos más Ver también receive

Comments (4)

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June 06, 2020
Although, some of the write is unclear and unreadable, I love the part that you mentioned that the Jaxx wallet manages it's private keys. It can store a total of 67 different coins (which I have listed below), with more and more being added all the time.
October 02, 2019
And having 80 assets for me is a problem because I usually keep several tokens and cryptos that are not very popular and here I don't get them.
October 02, 2019
If I had some problems, something that I hadn't realized is one of the cons. Some data was copied and the box did not allow me to see what I was placing additional.
October 02, 2019
Your translator didn't work here either! Your review should be updated, you have used two languages which I find difficult to understand. According to your concern they support more then 80 crypto including almost every popular cryptocurrencies, So there should be no problem here.

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