Magnum Wallet is a currency-independent wallet service. It is designed for those who want to manage their cryptocurrency portfolio in a safe and convenient interface, it also allows the user to earn rewards through gambling or claim forks and reward airdrops. In the fund paradigm, the team is always looking for new ways to help users. In combination with the multitude of supported coins and tokens, the exchange functions and the support of hardware wallets, Magnum Wallet offers cryptocurrency wallet solutions. Supports over 2000 cryptocurrencies and altcoins including Bitcoin, Ether, Tezos, Komodo, etc. Offers users rewards through gambling, airdrops and rewards Magnum Wallet gives you the option to claim forks while waiting for a trade to take place and your money to be offered the recipient's wallet. In addition to the encryption that is customary in the industry, no personal data is collected or stored .It has participation, delegation and similar skills in Tezos, Callisto and other networks.