Just as breeding a kitten that is powerful enough to defeat other kittens out there is to to Cryptocuties, so it is for breeding a crab that can defeat other similar crabs out there. It was developed by Appxplore in Malaysia which makes it the first of it's kind in that country. The game makes use of it's in-game cryptocurrency, Cryptant which can be used to make upgrades on the crustacans. They also possess a special characteristic called Xenografting. This process involves removing a special part from one crab to another. This process can only be undertaken when a player has more than one crab in his possession. The Xenografting process helps to transfer agood characteristics to the crab a player wants to send it to battle. This is necessary as achieving great heights on this game is only possible when multiple battles are won. The Cryptant can be purchased as it is available for purchase on the game site. The Cryptant is also needed to make the Xenografting process possible. Battles won are dependent on the stats of a crab. This stats are divided into HP, DPS, BLOCK and RESISTANCE. Mutating of crabs is also possible on the game. Mutating means changing of some characteristics of the crab. Hatching an egg is the way these crabs are made. When a crab is hatched, it comes with random body parts. These body parts are in some categories which are: Fire, Earth, Metal, Spirit and Water. I have little to say about this game as it is similar to other monster breeding games.