CryptoDozer is a game located on a main platform. Overall, the interface is short, users can find everything easily and see the standing promotions there exists. Moreover, to avoid security issues, before entering the game users must add a supported ERC-20 wallet.
When I entered this game to give it a try, my Metamask extension wallet activated the process of linking to the game address. However, it was not possible to keep playing because it requires to make a deposit on Ether coins plus a Gas addition, but I do not have Ethereum at this moment. This game is free until the users reach level 4. Then, they must set payment in Ethereum tokens to buy coins and supplies. It is not an expensive game, everyone who trades Ethereum and is interested in the crypto gaming sections can pay for it and have a little bit of sweet fun. It reminds of the common games on the web, where users must complete certain missions to reach more levels until the power-button is totally filled.
Below I offer a detailed screenshot illustrating the process for entering the game. You will see I effectively linked my Metamask extension to CryptoDozer's Ethereum address, but it is not possible to advance since I have no funds there. Many will see this as an issue, but it is not. This has a great purpose to avoid fraud. Everything is an investment, and this game is rewarding at all just for a while of fun.
The game is a good Dapp release. It is set rapidly, and all processes are fully integrated. Below the mani platform, there is a section to analyze all transactions previously occurred. The game offers a type of blockchain where everything is registered in success. I definitely recommend it to those crypto-players looking for fun, sweet captions, and rewarding promotions. CryptoDozer, perhaps, requires more updates and releases, but it is an effective game supporting the decentralized apps of the Ethereum network.