Marble Cards enables people to save digital memories as crypto collectibles. These collectibles are called Marble Cards. Any article, video or anything else you like that has a URL, can be “marbled” it into a crypto collectible card. Marble Cards is based on the ERC721 standard and every URL can only be marbled once. When you buy a Marble cards, it’s yours to save, share or trade. Every Marble cards have a unique and beautiful pattern that is algorithmically generated at the time it is marbled. Some might only be of interest to you, while others are in high demand. Anyone can create a Marble card but once it is created, it is available for everyone to bid on for a limited time, using a Dutch auction. If someone else buys the card in the auction, the one who initiated the auction is paid a share of that sale in Marble Cards. With Marble Cards, you can collect historic moments from the Internet, your favorite bands, movies or sport champions. You can collect memes and show that you discovered them early, before they spread all over the Internet. It’s up to you and the community to decide what is valuable.