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130 Review
391.75 Karma

Review on Coinbase Card by Ufuk Yıldırım

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Coinbase Card is one of the most useful card for the withdraw and deposit money

Coinbase Card is a very nice feature that Coinbase offers to its users to withdraw money.
Coinbase Card must be contracted with Visa, so you can withdraw money from all ATMs that are contracted with Visa.
If we talk about the card's features; contactless payment feature, card password payment features such as the card is available.
With Coinbase Card, you can only withdraw euros, pounds and dollars from ATMs, but I think we can make withdrawals with more types of currencies in the future.
Finally, if you want to become a Coinbase Card holder, you must log in to the Coinbase app and create an account or log in to your existing account, and then follow the instructions in the app.
I think a highly innovative project brings a whole new dimension to the credit cards we use every day.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 4
Hi everyone I used Coinbase card for 1 month and discovered many features. Coinbase card has many features in it, and these features give you ease of use. As I mentioned in my review of these features, not so much, but I think it will improve over time. Coinbase Card because Coinbase is a crypto card, there are many users, and because it trusts users so much, it can do very good things in the future.

  • You can make instant withdrawals by converting cryptocurrencies in your Coinbase wallet to any currency you want via any atmThis card issued by Coinbase makes withdrawals very easy Having signed with Visa gives users a lot of confidence
  • This card issued by Coinbase makes withdrawals very easy
  • Having signed with Visa gives users a lot of confidence
  • 3 types of cash withdrawals can be made from ATM with Coinbase Card all types of cash withdrawals should be brought as soon as possible

Comments (1)

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January 25, 2021
Thanks for imformative review, it is really benefical for everyones like me who new in the crypto world. You have really good informations about Coinbase and its system. I totally agree with you about Coinbase Card's advantages. All is so good...

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