In a way or another, Bitmart exchange offers a lot of ways to earn and this is directed towards Holders of specific cryptocurrencies. The exchange method of a flexible staking is one not seen by any other crypto trading exchange out there today. It's method of a flexible staking allows for the holding of the supported coins and Interests are calculated and paid out. I really enjoyed the user friendly interface seen on both the exchange mobile app and it's web trading platform. It's Trading charts is also on another level, giving me clear cut views into what am about to trade by tracking previous data's using its advanced trading tools
I noticed that the exchange supports two different major methods of warning passively via it's lending and staking platform. I could just simply hold my coins in the exchange wallet and receive daily interest, while it's lending platform which is not complicated to use allows for me to borrow out my assets and it's interest is like on of the best out there. Amongst all, the trade fees of the exchange wasn't a suitable one when in comparison with other major crypto exchanges. A 0.25% trade fee charged by this exchange isn't compatible for use making this exchange unsuitable for my trading needs. Even though the exchange has a native token, the BMX tokens for cutting fees, it is just by 25% and looking at the value the trading fee is cut by, it still doesn't fit. I really hope more will be done in correcting the fees charged by Bitmart.