Coin Spot is from Australia, lunched some eight years back by Russel Wilson. It is a Frontliner in its home country because it offers to Crypto traders Well above 150 digital Currencies and assets to purchase via AUD.
CoinSpot services are multifaceted in the sense that it offers a platform custom built for multi-currency Crypto wallet coupled with Coinswap feature which fastracks your swapping of any coin of your choice for others enlisted on its platform.
I will say this is the best exchange for Australians because it is time saving, users do their swapping in just one transaction while they lock the prices.
It is quite safe, why because it has more than a decade operational track record operating within the stipulation of the Australian financial institutions. CoinSpot is also armed with multi crypto wallet uniquely made for each users which is a bank grade security system.
Setting up your CoinSpot account entails few easy steps, go to the home page, punch in your email address, next is your desired password then click create account, supply your bio data, then upload your required documents, selfie for identification then CoinSpot generates a secret code for you, with this you are good to go
So far it is the best exchange for folks in Australia