Counos Decentralized Exchange, a leading P2P platform, is leading the way in offering relevant and secure options for exchanging digital currencies and cash. Counos ensures the security of exchanges between the buyer and the dealer through a multisig label in a decentralized Exchange, Escrow administration, and Blockchain innovation.
The Counos Exchange uses the Escrow administration to produce three keys to access the exchanges, and the total exchange of the exchanges is in a common wallet. A specialist will be available as an administrator regardless of the exchange aspects. Customers can use various customers as Counos trades as supervisors or professionals. One exchange ends and it is not possible to lose the source of the two exchange meetings, unless two keys are approved in any case.
This will create the ultimate security for the multi-purpose recipient and dealer. In decentralized transactions, the presence of a telephone exchange causes customers to be surprised and dismayed. By offering a store offer, Counos makes a fake forest claim.