If you are familiar with decentralized exchanges, TonSwap will be a good fast and cheaper alternative in buying with its main competitors.
It is only necessary to download and install the wallet extension in a compatible browser, have funds (buy them in an exchange) that if you have to use the main TON network. They have a complete beginner's guide to TON and TonSwap.
In general, it is necessary to have some experience when using decentralized exchanges, the procedure to use it is similar to UNI, among others, so in a few seconds you are already using this exchange when downloading the wallet.
It is somewhat confusing to have to change TON for WTON, in other DEX this process is not carried out by the user since automatically within the Dex it is usually exchanged for some wrapped token.
What is missing: More compatibility with other wallets, that is, for mobile phones since most of the users of DEX exchanges come from these.
I think this is an excellent alternative that will allow anyone to access the world of DEFIs without risking a large amount of money.