I was unable to locate any information on this exchange on the internet or on the exchange's website. I'm not sure why, but if the exchange doesn't disclose any information about itself on the site or somewhere soon, I'm sure it will lose more consumers. People are interested in learning more about the exchange on which they will trade and its security.
Both the website and the mobile application may be used to access the Exchange. However, despite the fact that the program is available for download on the exchange's website, I was unable to do so. That is why I am unable to comment on the mobile application. However, you can use the exchange through the website.
Customers' reactions to the transaction are virtually universally negative. As a result, I didn't invest or trade any assets since I couldn't trust the exchange. The one positive aspect of the exchange, in my opinion, is that, unlike other exchanges, you can simply apply to list your own cryptocurrency on it. I couldn't think of another positive aspect.