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Revainrating 5 out of 5

Features - A highly scalable blockchain architecture with a consensus…

Features - A highly scalable blockchain architecture with a consensus mechanism which can be used for a global oracle machine implementation - Increased privacy and scalability due to storing Turing-complete contract code in state channels rather than on-chain - Aeon (similiar to Ether) are used as payment for any resources one consumes on the platform, as well as the basis for financial applications implemented on the platform - Human-friendly adresses name system - Applications markets for…

  • Why is æternity so innovative? State Channels Smart contracts exist only inside off chain state channels. Just in case of disagreement the smart contract code gets enforced by the æternity blockchain.
  • Decentralized Oracles An oracle machine connects public real world data with smart contracts. Oracles are categorically more powerful than Turing-complete computational models. Consensus Consensus is achieved via a novel hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithm. Unique Governance æternity implements a form of futarchy, where miners vote and value-holders bet to make decisions together. Privacy For many business applications it's crucial to have their transactions not recorded in public. Smart contracts touch the blockchain only in case of disagreement, acting like a self-arbitrating crypto court. Security State-of-the-art cryptographic datastructures and unparalleled decentralization provide efficiency and eliminate every single-point-of-failure.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

On Aeternity, the two sides of the transaction can create their own…

On Aeternity, the two sides of the transaction can create their own intelligent contracts without necessarily sending information to a blockchain via a data processing system called Oracle. Oracle is a data processing system created to support blockchain blocks in the background in collecting data outside the network that blockchain blocks do not collect. This makes the transaction speed faster, while making smart contracts easier and more flexible.

  • The purpose of Aeternity is to make transactions faster and safer through better-designed, improved smart contracts. An electronic currency is built and used as a form of payment. The payment for all activities or services in the blockchain platform of the same name is Aeternity. Aeternity is the name of a new open source blockchain project, created to enhance and strengthen the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain platform, and it began operations in October 2016.
  • Aeternity's Blockchain platform design differs significantly from other Blockchain platforms: Using the Erlang programming language Aeternity's blockchain platform is written in a separate programming language called Erlang. Using this programming language it is easy to write applications and softwares, and it can be used to edit blockchain related errors.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Research & Academia æternity is continuously researching the newest…

Research & Academia æternity is continuously researching the newest technological standards and continuously expanding cooperations with international research institutions, keeping the technology safe and up to date.

  • æpps æternity will deliver essential open-source æpps with the launch of the platform. This brings use to the blockchain from day one. Read the æternity whitepaper to find out more about the applications.
  • æternity is bootstrapping partnerships in different sectors to bring blockchain technology into real world use. We are continuously organizing meetups and conferences for the community in numerous countries around the world

On the technical side, æternity is beginning to provide workshops and tutorials, including those addressed to developers, to make the technology easily accessible. æternity supports both businesses and individuals who are interested in finding a fit for their use case.

  • æternity blockchain is bootstraped by æternity establishment and incorporated in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Ongoing communication with related regulatory institutions is key in keeping blockchain technology and the æternity project in legally safe waters.
  • æternity puts an emphasis on web technology and features a mobile-first approach, to bring blockchain technology to the next level of widespread adoption. æternity has spun off a foundation to support open-source developers, entrepreneurs and young businesses who build their projects on æternity.

Since AE was created by the GOD ethereu it was populars among public enthusiast, following by its project and amazing system which is attracted many pbulic enthusiast and investor.

  • Aeternity is a decentralised open source digital-asset platform adopted P2P technology system and denoted by the symbol AE and have 273.6 million supply AE. A hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) & supports sidechains, support smart contract, having a powerful system on mainnet caused it was build by the God Father of Ethereum secured transactions. AE is mineable coin and its integrated by alot of valuable and amazing system on AE network.
  • AE is token which is made its listed on certain exchange platform

At the time of writing this article, Aeternity is priced at $ 2.29 per coin, with a total capitalization of more than $ 530 million, and a 24-hour trading volume of $ 5.6 million, and AE is ranked 39 on the chart. coinmarketcap class. AE is an electronic currency, since the floor is not much fluctuations, according to his future will have a major wave of fluctuations in 2018.

  • Aeternity (AE) is an electronic currency based on Ethereum and uses blockchain technology. Aeternity (AE) is designed for quick and secure intelligent contracting of connections with real-time data through hierarchies. The purpose of Aeternity (AE) is to make transactions faster and safer than other electronic currencies. The mission of Aeternity (AE) is to become a better performing electronic currency than Ethereum with its advanced AE platform.
  • The introduction of this hybrids on the market raises the price of ether and reduces inflation. This is a lucrative and important factor for many industries, and has helped AE gain competitive advantage over Ethereum or Bitcoin.

Oracle machines connect smart contracts and real-world public data. Oracles are more powerful as a category than the computational models that are Turing complete. Aeternity includes decentralized oracles to provide tamperproof public data and then execute a smart contract based on this information. This can be useful in the case of smart contracts that depend on things like the weather, the price of gold or other assets, election results, or something else that is public knowledge. The oracles

  • It provides a ‘naming’ service for account holders to hold a verified and easily identifiable account that can be used for identification across the web. This may sound trivial, but in the current blockchain world, accounts are labelled by a long string of numbers.
  • Consensus Consensus is achieved via a novel hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithm.

State Channels State channels make it possible to execute smart contracts off-chain. The blockchain enforces the smart contract code, only in the case of a disagreement between the contracting parties.

  • Yanislav Malahov is the founder of Aeternity who is a serial entrepreneur and experienced blockchain developer. Malahov has been termed the ‘godfather of Ethereum’ as he worked with Vitalik Buterin prior to Ethereum’s inception. Marion Vogel is the director and head of marketing for the Aeternity project. Vogel has previously worked in marketing and business development in Silicon Valley.
  • Papers.ch, a Swiss technical provider and consultancy firm have partnered with Aeternity to implement micro-payment solutions and implement AirGap smartphone wallet vault. Erlang Solutions, a world-leading Erland consultancy has partnered with Aeternity to scale its network to proportions of mass adoption.

A newer blockchain model we’ve seen a lot of recently is the use of side chains. Here the Dapp is built not on the blockchain, but on top of the Blockchain, and each side chain has it’s own technology and economy and the transactions are done on the side chain so it doesn’t burden the Blockchain. Only the results of the transactions are recorded on the Blockchain, so it’s not burdensome at all, and this is a great solution for scalability. Examples of current projects that use side chains…

  • There are many Blockchain platforms out there. Ethereum, NEO, Cardano, EOS, Tron, etc… each of them has unique technological features that make them different from the others. Aeternity has 3 main unique features that make it special. If you understand these 3 features, you understand Aeternity.
  • In a classical Blockchain, the Dapp (decentralised application) is built on the Blockchain, and any transactions that happen on the Dapp is done on the Blockchain using it’s computational power. This is very burdensome and slows down the whole Blockchain over time. Examples of classic Blockchains that use this are Bitcoin and Ethereum, and both of these Blockchain are running into problems with scaling. Problems with scaling means that as more Dapps are built on the Blockchain, the Blockchain is unable to keep up with the demand and the performance begins to slow down.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies who use either Proof of Work or Proof of Stake, Aeternity uses a hybrid of both Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. Where Proof of Work is used for consensus while Proof of Stake is used for governance.

  • Like many cryptocurrencies, Aeternity uses proof of work for its consensus, where miners verify the creation of new blocks but with a twist to allow for scalability purposes as it blends proof of Stake to form a hybrid where a new graph-theoretic proof of work combines with the scalable memory requirements for instant verification.
  • Currently, people fail to see innovation and true value because bad communication and marketing. Much competition surrounds this same space that AE is fighting for.

Unique Governance æternity is governed by its stakeholders, meaning that miners, token-holders and other participants with a stake in the blockchain have the ability to make decisions together on proposed changes.

  • A Proof of Stake (POS) protocol is used to give AE token holders the power to stake their tokens to the network and vote for on future developments and upgrades to the blockchain. This system enables a decentralised form of governance which favours the voices of participants based on how many tokens they hold and how invested they are in the network.
  • The Aeternity’s code base is written in Erlang, a language that is extremely scalable, secure, and makes it easy to write distributed high-demand applications.

When there’s a disagreement in a state channel contract, the contract turns to the blockchain for adjudication. The contract remains private through a zero-knowledge proof setup that allows the blockchain to render a judgment without needing to know the contents of the contract. In this way, the blockchain acts as a blind judicial system for smart contracts. Interestingly, since the blockchain’s behavior is predictable, there’s no benefit to disputing the results of a state channel contract…

  • Aeternity (AE) Platform & Cryptocurrency: An In-Depth Look Aeternity is a new platform for decentralized apps (dapps) launched in testnet in 2017. It also held a successful token offering in 2017 for its Aeon (AE) token. The project focuses on increasing the scalability of smart contracts and dapps. It accomplishes scaling by moving smart contracts off-chain. Instead of running on the blockchain, smart contracts on Aeternity run in private state channels between the parties involved in the contracts.
  • Ethereum is also looking into this option, possibly doing a combination of sharding and off-chain settlement of contracts. This is where Aeternity is currently innovating. They’ve focused on increasing scalability by implementing smart contracts off-chain. Scaling smart contracts is the main goal of Aeternity. They’re poised to make waves with their state channel solution.

As of lately there have been a couple of strong developments around the project. First of all, the coin recently launched its own native mainnet and begun the process of migrating the ERC-20 tokens to the native blockchain based ones. It became a part of the Atomic Wallet portfolio which came along with being accepted on the Atomic Swap exchange. Several community events, including the first Blockchain BBQ in Lichtenstein’s House of Blockchain and BlackSeaChain conference in Varna, Bulgaria –…

  • Aeternity has seen some decent price fluctuations as of lately. Its USD graph looks all over the place, as the coin has been fluctuating from its monthly lows of $1,65 all the way to $2,10. Since reaching this number, the price fell down to around $1,80 before starting to slowly recover in the last couple of days
  • The coin is currently sitting at $1,97 with a 2,29% daily rise in price. Its BTC value is a slightly different story, as it kept hovering above 27000 satoshi for quite some time before breaking below this number around July 18th. Since then, the coin kept bleeding and is currently priced at 24041 BTC, with a daily drop of 4,24%. Capped at $460.87 million, Aeternity is currently the 33rd most valuable cryptocurrency on the market

currency that I should speak little about it for not knowing much about the project should be very recent because the features is based on a standard project based on other currencies without anything revolutionary currently only plans for future equal to all currencies leaving aside the now worrying about fulturo when it arrives fulturo can not exist because another currency could very well do something better then should always do to the now the best thing and projects.

  • favorite of many
  • little disclosed

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Security State-of-the-art cryptographic data structures and unparalleled…

Security State-of-the-art cryptographic data structures and unparalleled decentralization provide robust efficiency and eliminate "single point of failure" (SPOF) issues.

  • Decentralised Oracles are trusted data sources on the network that connect real-world data to the blockchain through smart contracts. This enables the tracking of real-life events such as stock markets, weather, marketing surveys, and scientific findings in real time to be updated to the network and established as an evolving trustless history. Other smart contract networks such as Ethereum rely on external centralised oracles whilst Aeternity’s is native and distributed.
  • A Proof of Work (POW) consensus mechanism is used to build the Aeternity blockchain with the ‘Cuckoo cycle’ algorithm. Cuckoo cycle is designed specifically for RAM (random-access memory) systems and is resistant to the expensive ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) mining equipment that is easily dominated by corporate mining pools. With the use of Cuckoo, mining is very energy efficient and mining is more egalitarian and accessible to the widest possible population of miners.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Their aim is to provide more speed to peer to peer transactions on the…

Their aim is to provide more speed to peer to peer transactions on the blockchain as compared to the already existing products out there and also achieve high-security infrastructure especially to become on par with blockchain platforms like Ethereum or even surpass it.

  • Is a public, open-source, blockchain-based distributed computing and digital-asset platform that builds upon decentralized cryptographic P2P technology, with the ability to scale and also has the features of high transactions per seconds, entirely built on and for smart-contract enabled ecosystems. Their objective is interfacing their technology with real-world data sets in an offline fashion thereby bringing about the inclusion of other data sets that are non-targeted by other blockchain enterprises.
  • Bad Marketing and low interaction with the users.

While there are numerous projects trying to outdo Ethereum, Aeternity has 3 unique attributes that make it stand out from the rest: 1) State Channels. There are 3 basic approaches to solving the scalability problem: sharding, using a different consensus mechanism (like Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance with NEO), or simply moving certain activities off-chain. The “state channel” approach used by Aeternity is an example of the third option. A state channel is a direct line of communication…

  • Using this method, the only state update handled on the main blockchain is the transfer of aeon, or if there is some kind of dispute with a smart contract, where the network will act as a “jury” and render a decision. This reduces fees, as well as the overall burden on the network. It also offers more privacy, since only the parties involved in the contract can see the details of the contract. This is potentially big for enterprise users, as some companies might be hesitant to put sensitive information in a smart contract that would be recorded on a public blockchain.
  • Aeternity in a Nutshell Ethereum as we all know was a game changer for blockchain technology. For the first time, it was now possible to use blockchains for more than just exchanges of value. Developers could now build dapps, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and smart contracts, but it did not take long for critical vulnerabilities in the Ethereum network to manifest themselves.

Aeternity is quite far along on their development roadmap. They have launched on their testnet and completed the backing campaign as well as started development of several essential applications. Prior versions of their roadmap had them completing their security audit by Q1 2018, but this seems to have been pushed back to Q2. The much more important next step will be the release of the mainnet in Q2 as well.One thing that we did find refreshing was the continually updated Aeternity blog pages…

  • This combines scalable memory requirements with instant verifiability. This will incentivise devices with dynamic ram such as mobile devices. This means that participants do not need powerful mining rigs to take part in the Aeternity mining process. Then, when it comes to governance and development decisions, Aeternity will use a delegated proof of stake (dPoS) voting mechanism. The votes will be weighted according to how much AE tokens the participants hold.
  • There are a number of exchanges where you can buy AE tokens. These include Bittrex, Binance and HitBtc. Once you have your AE token, given that it is an ERC20 standard, you can store it in any Ethereum wallet. Of course, they will announce measures you should take when they move away from the ERC20 standard.

For many business applications it's crucial to have transactions which are not recorded in public. Smart contracts executed in state channels touch the blockchain only in the case of disagreement, acting like a self-arbitrating crypto court.

  • State channels are private connections between smart contract users where the state of smart contracts are updated in private channels that are separate to the main Aeternity blockchain. This is a breakthrough technology for two reasons. Firstly the constant updating of smart contracts uses a lot of storage space within blocks that can otherwise be off-chain to relieve the network. Secondly, smart contract participants can create trustless agreements between each other and exchange confirmed value in a private setting without having to broadcast their business on a public ledger. The use of state channels also allows for smart transactions to be processed immediately between participants rather than having to wait until a block on the blockchain is closed and confirmed. Smart contracts are only recorded on the public blockchain when a dispute is resolved and as smart contracts are kept off the blockchain running smart contracts is low cost.
  • Low cost By leveraging state channels as the default way to run smart contracts, æternity becomes the most efficient Turing-complete blockchain and thus enables new forms of commerce via its low cost transactions.

The aeternity channels are more scalable than any other channel system that can run on Ethereum. Ethereal transactions need to be processed one by one and in line if transactions can be processed in aeternity in parallel. The aeternity team consists of a number of entrepreneurs, developers and programmers, as well as Blockachine graduates who have worked on prominent projects such as Synereo, Ethereum and Augur. Advantage of Aeternity Smart Contracts One of the great benefits of intelligent…

  • Aeternity is a new blockading technology with several features that are used to combat the current problems of blockbuster systems. Aeternity technology will innovate from other blocked devices to more efficiently.
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