Bingo fun (777), is the world Blockchain based pan-entertainment Platform which was created to provide solution to the Fiat currencies gaming and entertainment industry that offer few if any chances for cryptocurrency holders giving Cryptocurrency the chance to be utilize and be spend in Gaming and entertainment industry.
Bingo is the first pan-entertainment Platform for decentralized blockchain around the globe. It build up the new generation pan-entertainment Platform which comprises of customer management system, decentralized data Analysis system, Bingo wallet, Traffic Exchange system, and Bingo Foundation
Bingo token (777), is based on Ethereum blockchain, and it price is $0•000025 per one 777 it is listed on one Exchange with a sum of two active market, with $0•403154 in 24 hours volume, while the market cap is $
Bingo provide solution to unfair competitive environment found in local games, being decentralized blockchain also promotion the trusted, transparency and accessibility in users. It wallet provide solution to payment problem on blockchain based game, as a Digital wallet it cover almost the purchase link for digital currencies in the market. The platform can be contacted through email, you tube, Facebook, midium and Twitter