It’s free money, however low its price falls, in that BTG’s the result of a…
It’s free money, however low its price falls, in that BTG’s the result of a fork from the main BTC chain. If you held BTC at the time of the split, you now have an equal amount of BTG.
BTG is the hardfork cryptocurrency form BTC blockchain. Its more decentralized and democratic mining system than BTC. BTG also mineable coin run on PoW algorithm running Equihash. BTS designed to decentralized mining and verify BTC transaction. BTG provided many compatible platform/wallet that can be download (Ease) and its also usable by having integrated on several hardwallet eg. trezor, ledger nano and etc. Easy to mine by having a good graphic card GPU on PC/laptop.
the fair and equal distribution between the parties who are likely to spend cryptocurrencies seem questionable