There are so many crypto money ın the digital world. İf we look at the market cap, we can see over four thousand coins openly. İnvesters have to choose some from among these coins, İf they want to take profit for long time. I absolutely prefer Neo. Why am I choosing Neo?
There is two reason for choosing Neo. Firstly history says us its potential. İf we look at the crypto currency history, we can see Neo's all time high price. Neo's all time high price was aproxmately two thusand hundred dollars ın January 2018. But today Neo's price is just twenty eight dollars. Bitcoin saw all time high level, Ethereum getting closer to all time high and so many crypto money is like ethereum. But Neo is so far from all time high price. İt shows us their potential.
Secondly, Neo is known Chinise Ethereum. it is so important, cos everyone knows Chinese affect on cryptocurrency. İf it is real, Chinese investers can pump Neo's price one day. Today or next days. But one day it will happen. So it is good reason for buying NEO.
Thanks to these twho reason, ın my opinion that Neo can be profitable criypto money for investers. I think we will see its potential soon times...