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Review on OMG Network by dilip khanna

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Overall Omisgo is best for banking sectors or other financial sectors. also…

Overall Omisgo is best for banking sectors or other financial sectors. also, omisego has its digital wallets, that enables real-time, peer-to-peer value exchange and payment services. but team and support center is not active. The team must be active for future of project.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
OmiseGo project is always actively working and they working on awareness of omiseGo project. and the Founder of Ethereum Vitalik also works for OmiseGo project.

  • Omisego is the ethereum based ERC 20 token. the project of omisgo is to make financial services easy, peer to peer, real time payment and exchange services by blockchain technology. also, Omisego has its wallet, in a wallet, we can store multi-crypto currencies as well as fiat currencies both. Omisego uses Plasma technology which increases the speed of transactions.
  • There are very few negative points about omisego in which support of Omisego is very slow. Omisego is not Decentralized project and it is limited to Asia. omisego is not having its own blockchain, OMG is based on ethereum, so for any transaction we will also store some amount of ethereum as fees of transaction.

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