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13 Review
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Review on OMG Network by suraj hindi

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Overall Omisgo is the best option for banking and other private financial…

Overall Omisgo is the best option for banking and other private financial sectors. also, omisego wallet supports fiat as well as cryptocurrency both. omisego is also listed on major exchanges like binance so traders can easily trade with omisego. also omisgo have great market cap in cryptomarket.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
OmiseGo project is not paying attention to their project and its ranking on 22 at the time when i wroted review but now its on 36 according to coinmarketcap.

  • OmiseGo is the best option of blockchain technology for financial businesses. The omisego blockchain supplement omisego payment gateway to the southeast Asia's unbanked area. OmiseGO will utilize plasma on Ethereum blockchain for fast transaction speeds and PoS verification model for decentralization. Also, OmiseGo is acquired high market cap of cryptocurrency market. According to market cap omisego is ranked on 22nd rank in total cryptocurrency market. Also, OmisGo is already listed on major exchanges like Binance.
  • There are very few negative points like whitepaper is not given on the website, so many people are unable to know the full project and project's aim. As, it is the ERC20 token, so fees are paid by ethereum so, we need some ethereum to pay fees of OMG transaction. also, the project is less famous need some marketing of the project.

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