PROBİT Token is the governance token of the Probit cryptocurrency exchange.
PROBİT Token allows us to earn money by participating in various events organized by the Probit exchange.
When we participate in IEOs held on the Probit exchange with PROBİT Token, the extra bonus earnings are higher than other cryptocurrencies.
Also, it is necessary to stake at least 100 PROBİT Tokens to participate in volume competitions held on the Probit exchange.
However, PROBİT Token plays a leading role in the 50% discount coin sales organized by the Probit exchange.
According to the amount of PROBİT Tokens we will stake, our VIP membership level increases. In this way, we have the chance to buy more discounted coins.
Finally, if we stake PROBİT Tokens on the Probit exchange, we can earn commission discounts when trading coins.