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6 Review
2 Karma

Review on Zilliqa by robert sachuie

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Zilliqa runs on the best blockchain which is blockchain3.0. also, the zilliqa…

Zilliqa runs on the best blockchain which is blockchain3.0. also, the zilliqa has the great market cap. but the team of zilliqa is not experienced by the blockchain and cryptocurrencies.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Zilliqa team didn't added any great developers on their team also in 2019 zilliqa hype is becomes fade in 2019 rather than 2018


  • Zilliqa is the worlds first public, permission-less blockchain that has successfully implemented sharding technology. Zilliqa is a faster, more advanced blockchain. Zilliqa project has great advisors and support of advisor from established project Kyber. as compare to bitcoin and ethereum they run on blockchain1.0 and blockchain 2.0 respectively. but Zilliqa runs on advanced blockchain which is Blockchain 3.0 technology.
  • Zilliqa team does not have the huge amount of experience about crypto and blockchain. Also, zilliqa uses only transaction sharding, not State sharding. also zilliqa has not do marketing of their project.

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