The Economist is an every week digitally published, globally known newspapers transformed to magazine which features politics, technology and science, current affairs, business, finance and economics, with books and arts.
The Economist has been in existence since September 1843 to ensure you as a reader do not miss anything important in the earlier mentioned categories, The Economist identify ideas and trends that shape global developing to keep both them and you as their reader in the severe contest of intelligence.
The Economist is not attached to any political party and strives for the highest ethical standards as their core principles are about honesty, fairness and fearlessness in gathering, reporting and interpreting information with accountability to you as a reader, listener, viewer and each other.
The Economist ensures their authors remain anonymous and their sources unnamed to avoid endangering them in exceptional cases but with detailed description for credibility assessment.
The Economist is a living legend keeping the status quo of journalism and holding its good ethics.