I bought this set a while ago and haven't used it much. I prefer to buy individual end mills for each type of material I need to cut, which costs a lot more. I bought this set to get started so I have sizes that I don't usually have on hand. They work well for this purpose as long as you don't work too hard with them. The edges aren't as sharp as most other end mills I have, so they're my last resort in most cases. In contrast, the best end mills I use are typically $50 each, and sometimes more or less depending on the finish and other characteristics. I tend to think I get a lot more out of the more expensive tools so your mileage may vary. I tend to think that buying 1/8", 1/4" and 1/2" separately costs about the same amount of money and covers most things I make.
🔪Карбидное покрытие SpeTool зубьев в дюймах.
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🪚 АФУНТА фрезерные биты 4-паза 0,08 дюйма
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SpeTool 5 шт./компл. плосконосая двойная флейта твердосплавная концевая фреза 1/32 "режущий диаметр фрезы резак станки с ЧПУ для углеродистой стали мягкая легированная сталь штампованная сталь инструментальная сталь чугун дерево
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Высокоскоростная стальная прямая фреза Autotoolhome
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