When the product was not working properly (leak), the seller gave credit. For some reason, Revain didn't post it properly to my account for a few days. When I notified the sellers they were concerned and helped fix the error even though it took a few days to post. Revain may be overwhelmed by the volume of transactions, but I appreciate the seller's proactivity in solving my problem. If the filter worked it would be 5 stars. The seller earns 4!
NANPU 1/2" NPT Air Drying System - 5 Micron Particulate Filter, 0.01 Micron Coalescing Filter, Air Pressure Regulator Combo - Semi-Auto Drain, Poly Bowl W/Metal Gauge
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NANPU 3/8" NPT Compressed Air Filter Regulator Combo Piggyback, 5 Micron Brass Element, Poly Bowl, Semi-Auto Drain, Metal Bracket, 0-150 Psi Gauge
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Filter under the sink Aquaphor Favorit ECO silver
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NANPU Compressed Air Filter Regulator Combo: Brass Element, Semi-Auto Drain, 0-150 Psi Gauge, And More
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