I like that it is easy to communicate with my customer service department when something goes wrong or needs attention during an outage in our business line services area! Also love being able solve issues quickly without having multiple people involved (it helps keep costs down).
We've been using this system since 2014 so there are some kinks still worked through but nothing major we haven't seen before - just more training/learning required as well if new employees join your team after commvergence was implemented initially by another vendor which has moved off their support / sales teams now too have changed over from one provider to others etc.. Definitely recommend getting good technical advice early into implementation process because learning curve may be steep at start due to how complicated telecom systems actually work internally within companies once they do get used though!! It saves us money every month compared what would normally take 3-4 days manually per bill for each call center employee sending them monthly invoices via email vs only doing 1 invoice upload.