My terrestrial signal (free!) The TV antenna (cheap!) worked fine until recently. I couldn't turn on all the channels I could watch before. I moved the antenna from place to place, but as soon as I sat down or changed the channel, it was all over. I was going to buy an active antenna as a last resort when I got AHA! Moment to buy this cable. I'm SO glad I did! Its length is enough for almost the entire length of the house. Now my antenna can be in the garage where I get a great signal and the TV is somewhere far away on the other end. One thing I had to explain to myself: for such cables you have to buy a socket-to-socket extension cable. clutch (and they are very inexpensive too). For some reason all these cords go man to man. I've always looked from woman to man, right? Insert the antenna plug into a socket (marked "in" or "Antenna") on your TV (or DVD or Blu-ray player). BTW, I guess we're used to calling the ends RCA connectors, but are they actually F-type? This cable really should be shielded like they claim. He walks right past the kitchen (and the microwave, which seems to be interfering with the digital signal) and goes past the lamps, down the interior walls, and behind the TV where all sorts of other electronics and wiring are. The picture on my 55 inch TV couldn't be better. I don't have cable or satellite TV, but the TV isn't old enough to need an A/D converter. I highly recommend trying this out if you're having trouble picking up a wireless (digital) signal. Sometimes there is interference between you and the TV broadcaster, and this can be a very inexpensive solution (also check out to find out where your TV signals are coming from.) It's not a magic bullet, but if you can experiment with placement, Direction and antenna height, one might think! I'm just impressed! And SO happy I came up with this.
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