2017 RZR XP1000. I thought the stock screws were too short. Started tearing when putting it on. There is not enough thread left to be sure to add thickness to the bracket. THE SCREWS SUPPLIED ARE WRONG THREADS AND I AM NOT THE FIRST ONE TO MENTION IT. I took the screw to a hardware store and got an equal length fine pitch thread. However, I found that a washer was needed as the bolt in the steering housing bottomed out before the bracket was tightened. DO NOT REMOVE THE THREAD. KEMIMOTO MUST DELIVER THE RIGHT MATERIAL! To install the lever, I had to remove the lock nut on the bolt. Added screw lock Permatex Orange. The giant nut (about 30mm) is very difficult to put on with a wrench, I held the front of the lever with a wrench (18mm?) and have to lock the channel on the big nut (with lots of thread lock). Or if you have crow's feet of that size. It seems to vibrate under load. Leverage is low too, but I don't think it gets in the way of your legs. I'll edit sometime after a good test
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