I bought this antenna hoping to improve WiFi reception. The best I had -71. I measured every 5 degrees. My old Alfa antenna (small square) gives -55 and costs $10. I mean ok I really expected it to be much better. Here is a link to an Alfa antenna that I will continue to use. -ANT-157/dp/B00R1PA9EO/ref=pd_d_sim_b2b_5/140-9366430-6432210?pd_rd_w=bgITv&pf_rd_p=c1143869-a7d7-4cfd-bf9c-0da7305c3e64&pf_rd_r=WRGVH7ZKY5Y93QFXZXF3&pd_rd_r=981aab8d-782d-446a-90c7-24c72da44e82&pd_rd_wg=WYVNf&pd_rd_i=B00R1PA9EO&psc=1
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