I bought this to use on a trolling motor. It loses power quickly, and seems to put out marginal power almost from the start. That is, my motor has 5 speeds, when fully charged, the motor will go full speed for maybe a total of 5 minutes. If left off for a while, it will do the same a few more times, but once it starts to weaken, forget it. After a few hours on a lake, the 5 setting drops down to a 2 or 3. By the time you’re ready to head back you’re lucky if the 5 equals a 1. Not standard units of measure I know, but I did get a Walmart marine battery as a backup, and for comparison. Thank goodness! I hate to say, the Walmart battery puts out much more power, much longer. It’s also about 20lbs lighter. Maneuvering 65lbs around in a small boat cab be tricky, and back breaking. Just moving this battery from house to tow vehicle, tow vehicle to boat is exhausting! The only thing I have to say that’s good about it is (and this remains to be proven) it will most likely outlive the Walmart battery. Those don’t last much more than a year.
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