greetings to everyone on this platform, the company i will be reviewing today is called the behealney beauty company worldwide, after going through various layers of rigorous research and fact finding missions in order to know more about the behealney beauty company, i was able to find out about the following concerning the company which i will be sharing below. 1. the behealney beauty company from what i saw has a website, but when i tried to access the website of the company my device refused to log in to the company website and was showing this pop up that my connection was not private that atttackers might be trying to steal my data and information which was not great, i tried order method but it all came back with the same negative results. from the little i managed to find out from Google the company was founded in two thousand and fourthen and since there they have being growing at a steady pace. 2. i also got to know that the company is base in a country called Cambodia, the behealney company deals in the production and manufacturing of beauty products and creams which are all good and very cheap to purchase. i can't vouch that there products are quality driven because there website was a security risk so little is known about the company which is not great for a company who want to progress, they generally deal in the production of beauty supplement and sometimes make up kits.