The name of this firm and the services it provides aren't similar at all, which I find funny in a way, but the fact that name doesn't relate with services doesn't really matter when it successfully provides the service it is expected to.
The major and primary function that Plug and Play does is to accelerate. I mean accelerate in the sense that it acts as a push and a propeller for businesses and start up ventures, so we can simply put Plug and Play as a business accelerator.
One of the major ways I've discovered that Plug and Play accelerate the growth of businesses is through a StartUp Camp program it organizes for entrepreneurs to sharpen the building of their business models.
This start up camp is a 10-week program that usually picks out StartUps who will then be able to refine their entrepreneural skills and business prototypes based on series of mentorship sessions and structured workshops. Which at the end of the program will have undoubtedly refined and sharpened various business models.
In a bid to be the best at what they claim to do, Plug and Play has gathered together strategic investors, leaders of successful industries and proficient entrepreneurs from across the globe who then assist Plug and Play in terms of successful investments and developing their portfolio. These world renowned personnels in their respective fields also help in the success of the startup camp. So this means that StartUp businesses who participate in this Startup camp will have will have the opportunity of being mentored by these personnels. Which shows the great advantage that participating in Plug and Play Startup camp bodes for businesses.
An added benefit to participants of the Startup Camp program is that at the end of the program there will be a Demo Expedition for the participants to showcase their refined business models and prototypes to investors and who will then find the most promising Startup venture to invest in.
Plug and Play also partnership with the Local Angel investors based in Silicon valley, this partnership allows selected Startups at the Startup Camp Demo expedition to get $2 to $10 million for 6 months to 2 years of the starting of such business. Which will help branding and marketing and definitely sure to Kick-starting such businesses.
Proofs that Plug and Play has been achieving what they want to achieve for Startup businesses and help them grow are the following companies; PayPal, Danger, Google, Dropbox, Zoosk and others. I have to admit, the names of companies listed above are shocking because they're are prominent companies we know all over the world and it's more shocking to realize that Plug and Play had a strong hand in the StartUps of these companies.