I did a quick check with calipers when I received the bits. We hope the following table will clear up any confusion regarding bit cutting diameter: None. = Engraved number on bit UGS = US size number sizeDia. = Drill Edge Diameter (Min./Max. Diameter of each end) CN = Nearest Adjacent = Shank Diameter OAL = Overall Length No. UGS dia. Shank CN OAL5 11 .192-.193" 3/16" .435" 2.762"4 30 .127-.128" 1/8" .308 2.148"3 33 .113-.115" 7/64" .248" 2.030" 2 47 .079" - 0.079" 5/64" 0.184" 1.906" 1 55 0.052" - 0.054"----0.117" 1.275" All Sizes +/- 0.001" 3/16 = 0.1875" 1/8 = 0.125" 7/64 = 0.109375" 5/64 = 0, 078125"