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Bogdan Panov แ Œ photo
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Review on Air purifier Kitfort KT-2826 by Bogdan Panov แ Œ

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The best product, from those that I have viewed, I advise everyone!

in general, I was satisfied with the purchase, they put a bunch of goodies in the form of gifts in the box, we'll see how it works in practice

Updated 2 years ago
Rating has not been changed

You can now see the product's quality and features in the photos I have added to my review.



  • Aesthetic, quite a normal size air purifier, the price for such a thing is good, there is also a backlight (can be used as a night light). at speed 1 it is almost silent, then it is already louder
  • the bottom cover with the filter is very easy to open when unpacked, looking for the entrance for the outlet, scrolled the device on the sofa and the cover opened๐Ÿ˜„