Это то, что я заказал, но я был немного разочарован тем, что в упаковке не было розового ошейника, я предполагал, что показанные цвета будут тем, что я получу, но это not so. . Anyway, I just need to change my entries a bit.
Dog Leash And Collar Set With 6 Length Choices (25FT, 15FT, 10FT, 6FT, 5FT & 4 FT) & 4 Neck Size Choices For X-Small To Large Dogs
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🐶 Darkyazi Dog Stake Tie Out Cable & Reflective Stake 16ft – Ideal for Medium to Large Dogs (Up to 125 lbs) – Outdoor, Yard, Camping Essential
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Secure Your Furry Friend With 360° Swivel Dog Tie Out Stake - Heavy Duty And Rust Proof - Lifetime Replacement Guarantee
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30Ft Long Heavy Duty Dog Training Leash In Neon Green - BRONZEDOG Check Cord Tracking Line Ideal For Puppies And Dogs
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Dry food for adult dogs of all breeds GO! Carnivore grain-free, chicken, turkey, duck, salmon 1 pack. x 1 pc. x 9.98 kg
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Dry food for dogs Grandorf hypoallergenic, Low Grain, lamb with brown rice 1 pack. x 1 pc. x 3 kg
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Dry dog food Pro Plan Opti Balance for small breeds with chicken 7 kg
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Dry food for juniors over the age of 4 months, pregnant and lactating bitches Grandorf hypoallergenic, Low Grain, lamb with rice 1 pack. x 3 kg
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