I have no problem with adidas shoes just my personal preference, since trying Puma for my football boots I have also become a fan of Puma and their casual shoes. The most important thing is that they are light, light, light. Compared to Nike and adidas they are much more compact and lighter than I like my shoes. Therefore, they are not as light and compact compared to Puma. I don't play golf though, so I rate them on casual wear. So I use them as everyday walking shoes as this one doesn't have cleats. The grooves are deep and grouped, but the surface is shallow enough that they're still comfortable when walking on asphalt. Of course, they are most comfortable on the lawn, since these are golf shoes. So I recommend if you take my casual wear route, it might be best for sports/running in the park. Fits well and meets expectations. The color scheme and design are as garish as can be and smack of old man's golf style. Good thing most of them are white. Seriously, it has a stale vibe, and dusty closets match wrinkled skin and gray skies, sort of a '70s vibe. I know golf is boring but why should your shoes follow you adidas? It's good that they have other sports to make more beautiful shoes. After all, they are cozy and familiar, like a grandpa – nothing bad (yet), but nothing good either. Four stars from me because at least the quality is good.
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