Drove two seasons about 20,000 - 25,000 km. After a good break-in, 25 spikes flew out of the front wheels in 2 seasons. I think this is not much, sometimes autumn and spring, when the asphalt is dry, it could start abruptly and the last winter was mild with little snow. I bought these tires on purpose. Before that, I went for 3 years on Velcro, friction tires. I liked the comfort of silence. Of course, he kept a decent distance. Sold along with the car and the new car was Chinese Nankang studs. I liked the braking after Velcro. I wanted it to be quiet, not expensive and slowed down perfectly. I found Toyo, I saw Canadian videos that a tire without studs is for sale. I was glad that there is a Velcro tire with spikes and bought it. There is little noise, in the snow for two seasons I have never waved a shovel. If it’s more for you to drive through the snow through the courtyards of villages and villages, then the option is good. The city and brushed asphalt will go without exceeding the speed limit, because over the roll and floats and the demolition of the rear wheels. The tire is very very very strong especially the sidewall. A car eats a little more gasoline with them, the roll is not very good. But on the other hand, how you feel in a tank, do not care about bad roads and pits. In this regard, the tires bow low. You can safely go even far away, they will not let you down and have never pumped up during the winter (checked the pressure regularly). The test results of different editions are in the middle of the table or below. But I repeat, Toyo is a brand that is bought by the heart, and not by a set of consumer qualities. If you look at cool expensive cars, you will notice very often Toyos. They look great on wheels and on the car. Two Ural winters passed with dignity. In winter, I turn on the mode in my head - WINTER plus good winter tires with an understanding of the real capabilities of these tires. Everything will be smooth and calm. All safe roads. In the photo, tires after two Ural winters. The tread depth is the same as new ones, I put repair spikes of 8 mm each to replace the 25 pieces that fell out. Wear is minimal, I am sure that 5-6 winters can be skated in a calm mode (50,000 - 60,000 km).
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