Nice cotton yarn. Exactly as advertised. But. It works like crazy (just like it says on the label). If you plan on using more than one color in something, be sure to rinse the strand several times before using it. You'd think the manufacturers figured it out after mankind died almost 12,000 years ago. . At least they could wash it several times to remove most of the remaining color. For example, I just spent about five minutes rinsing a finished oven mitt in warm water, and the water was light green(!) after two full rinses. .YMMV.
Rainy Day Bernat POP! - 5Oz Medium Gauge 100% Acrylic Yarn
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62 Acrylic Yarn Skeins Crochet Beginner Kit - 2170 Yards, 2 Hooks,2 Needles & 10 Stitch Markers For Adults Kids
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Bernat Alize Blanket-EZ Yarn, Ярко-синий
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Crochet & Knit Starter Kit - Inscraft 52 Acrylic Yarn Skeins, 2 Hooks, Needles, Stitch Markers & More!
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🧶Prym Ergonomics 8-дюймовые двусторонние вязальные спицы, размер 7 (набор из 5 шт.): Превосходный комфорт для бесшовных вязальных проектов
8 Review
🚀 Ракета 2 Квадрата Эргономичные Синие Шнур 16-дюймовые (40см) Круглые Вязальные спицы US 6 (4мм) Комплект с 10 маркерами Artsiga Crafts
9 Review
Набор JubileeYarn из 30 карбонизированных коричневых бамбуковых спиц: 6 размеров от 2 мм (US0) до 3,25 мм (US3), по 5 спиц каждого размера
17 Review
Кабели сменные Knitter's Pride, 11 дюймов (20 дюймов с наконечниками), синий
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